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PRODUCTION:+7 (495) 255-21-00
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Budget series hospital furniture
Attention! Desktop ST-1 (26 mm) is included in the cost of the modules.
Additional options
Medical air recirculator with 2 lamps
Article: A-04B
Medical air recirculator with 4 lamps
Article: A-05B
A-021 Mobile stand (for air recirculator)
Article: A-021
Suspended sanitary module
Article: A-21*
Stainless steel double sink
Article: М-4
Stainless steel sink
Article: М-1
Granolithic tabletop with skirting-board
Article: STK-1
Wall-mounted bracket for tabletop base
Article: KN-1
Аdditional support for table top
Article: D-03
Аdditional support for table top (stainless steel)
Article: D-04