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PRODUCTION:+7 (495) 255-21-00
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Dental laboratory
Dental tables of our production is a practical solution to the issue of workplace dental technician. We offer a wide range of high quality furniture for dental laboratories . The range of tables and related products includes the entire range to equip the laboratory of the highest level.
L-1/2DN dental technician desk BUDGET
Article: L-1/2DN
Medical table prefabricated dental technician
Article: L - 1/2DN+ P-10+ L-1/2 DN № 1
Dental technician’s desk BUSINESS
Article: L-1/2
Module mobile
Article: P-04
Lab cabinet with exhaust system
Article: L-3
Lab cabinet with exhaust system and heating unit
Article: L-3H
Canopy with exhaust system
Article: Z-01
Canopy with high-powered exhaust system
Article: Z-03
Stainless steel canopy with exhaust system
Article: Z-02
Stainless steel canopy with high-powered exhaust system
Article: Z-04
Unit with vacuum cleaner, cyclone and fine air filter
Article: PV-1
Additional options
Dust extraction module
Article: PV-1 (Laboratory)
Dust suction device
Article: PV-1
Perforated panel for tables
Article: L-1/2DN
CH-2 directional light with magnifying glass
Article: СН-2
Special offer
Plaster storage tank with 4 sections and cover
Article: G-1*
Granolithic tabletop with skirting-board
Article: STK-1